For the area were the bench folds down I have been looking into different ways of joining the ribs together instead of using a spine. I was looking either into bendable pvc piping or using a heat gun to bend normal pvc piping. The pipe would run through the structure and hold it together.
Here is a tutorial i followed to learn how to create a parametric spiral in grasshopper. Maybe I can somehow incorporate the spiral into the structure of my wall instead of using the rib, spine way. By changing the degree of the curve in grasshopper you can make the spiral either connect the points with straight lines or connect the points with a smooth spiral. F(x) equations are controlling the points of the spiral. The tutorial can be found at
For our wall design we decided to create a wall that you interact with but also interacts with the user. The entrance to the wall would completely surround you with a bulge starting at handrail height. This bulge would eventually lower and turn into a bench surface. Where the bench is located, the wall would open for views out. We also thought of using recycled paper tubes that are translucent. These tubes could hold lights and sensors that react to the user as they pass through the wall.